BIG Magic strengthens its bouquet of shows that have become synonymous with laughter and entertainment, with the launch of a brand new season of ‘Naya Mahisagar’. Set in the backdrop of Gujarat, ‘Naya Mahisagar’, a show with an amalgamation of fun, fantasy and humour, will not only focus on the life of Mahi, a sweet, carefree small-town girl and her modern, sarcastic and hypocritical mother-in-law Ansuya Mehta, but also introduce renowned television actress and household name Ketki Dave as Ansuya’s mother-in-law Diwadiben.
Produced by HATS OFF PRODUCTIONS, one of the most renowned production houses in India, ‘Naya Mahisagar’ returns with fresh characters and will premier on February 22 on BIG Magic at 7.30 pm, every Monday – Friday.
Ketki aka Diwadiben will be seen in an all new avatar of a spirit, who comes to earth to correct the actions and bring about a balance in the relationship between the saas and bahu in the house. Diwadiben’s daughter-in-law Ansuya Mehta will be played by popular actress Pranoti Pradhan and Ansuya’s daughter-in-law Mahi will be played by Dharti Bhatt. Affable characters Mahi and Sagar (Sandit Tiwari) in season one of the show, are all set to reprise their roles in Naya Mahisagar.
Talking about the show, Mr. Bimal Unnikrishnan, Creative Director, BIG Magic said, “Mahisagar was a great family entertainer and we wanted our viewers to enjoy a brand new season of this much loved show. With ‘Naya Mahisagar’, our idea is to bring forth a hilarious show with a combination of fun, fantasy and humour, appealing to our target audience. We are confident that the new season will be embraced by viewers with the same love and affection.”
‘Naya Mahisagar’ will see a robust multi-media promotional plan across key markets, which will include a 360 degree marketing campaign. The radio network will engage with viewers and trade partners locally and nationally through multiple platforms.
BIG Magic is available across all DTH players such as Tata Sky, Airtel, Videocon, Dish TV, Reliance DigitalTV along with all cable operators as Hathway, DD Free Dish, Incable, Digicable, DEN, 7 Star, ABS, Siticable, Star Broadband and GTPL amongst others.