&pictures, India’s premium mass Hindi movie channel is all set to premiere yet another mega movie ‘Bangistan’ on Saturday, 2nd April 2016 at 8:30 PM. Bangistan is a satirical film directed by Karan Anshuman and produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani starring Bollywood’s comedy King Riteish Deshmukh, Pulkit Samart, Jacqueline Fernandez and Chandan Roy Sanyal in lead roles. Bangistan has a strong message in the backdrop of comedy and laughter and is a unique concept to watch.
Speaking on the World TV Premiere of his movie, Pulkit Samrat said, “Bangistan is an important film of my career because for the first time I was sharing screen space with Riteish. It was my biggest fear to even get close to his comic timing because he has got an impeccable sense of humour and has been in the industry for 12 years now. Personally, I prefer watching &pictures for their great content and high viewership standards which helps in reaching out a wider audience to showcase our work. I thank &pictures for premiering Bangistan on the channel and help me entertain millions of viewers in their homes.”
The movie is an uproarious satire on fundamentalism and centres around two unlikely terrorists, the antitheses of each other, with a common destructive goal. Concerned by the unrest in the name of religion, sub-continental leaders of Muslims and Hindus announce that they’re attending the International Peace Conference to help unite the two religions in everlasting harmony. Two rival organizations, recruit and brainwash Hafeez (Riteish Deshmukh) and Praveen (Pulkit Samrat) to be suicide bombers at the conference so that they may continue to wield their local influence. What happens next is an exhilarating journey of fun, laughter and comedy.