&pictures, India’s premium mass Hindi movie channel, will kickstart the New Year with a bang showcasing action fuelled feature film ‘S.W.A.T’ in Hindi on Sunday, 03rd January at 12 NOON. This film is a part of the on-going series, Hollywood Sundays. Featuring for the first time on &pictures, S.W.A.T is a lethal combination of deadly action sequences, picturesque locations and an ensemble cast including legendary actor Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner and Colin Farrell.
The movie revolves around two Los Angeles S.W.A.T. officers Jim Street (Colin Farrell) and Brian Gamble (Jeremy Renner), who is both suspended and fired due to a mishap during a mission. Six months later, Jim gets a second chance to revive his career in S.W.A.T when a new commander is assigned to recruit and train five top-notch officers for a new Special Weapons and Tactics unit.
After weeks of rigorous physical training, the new team is immediately thrown into action when a notorious drug lord, Alex Montell (Olivier Martinez) offers a $100 million bounty to anyone who can free him from police custody.
Will S.W.A.T be able to prevent Alex from escaping the prison?
Will S.W.A.T be able to prevent Alex from escaping the prison?
Source : IndianMediaBook - Press Briefing