Zee Cinema, India’s most preferred Hindi movie channel, will showcase the Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer romantic comedy Chennai Express this Wednesday, 6th Jan at 8 PM. Directed by the ace entertainer Rohit Shetty, the action comedy stars Shah Rukh Khan as a suave and charming city-bred man coupled with a gracious and talented Deepika Padukone in an all new avatar.
Rahul (Shah Rukh Khan), a 40 year old bachelor, embarks on a journey to a small town in Tamil Nadu to fulfil his grandfather’s last wish. He has to immerse his grandfather’s ashes in the holy water of Rameshwaram. Enroute, he meets Meena (Deepika Padukone) hailing from the South. As they find love through this journey, some goons chase them giving rise to a series of chaotic hide-and-seek games. What could have been a mundane journey turns adventurous for Rahul and Meena.
With humorous sequences and action-packed entertainment, Chennai Express is a mega blockbuster that showcases the lives of two individuals whose paths intersect by chance and drastically alter their lives.
Source : IndianMediaBook - Press Briefing