&pictures, the leading premium Hindi movie channel, that is known for bringing the best of Bollywood and Hollywood to audiences will present martial arts movie fiesta – Chiniwood. Starting on Friday, 12th February, the channel will showcase movies like The One, Rob-B-Hood, Chinese Zodiac 12 (CZ 12), Tom Yum Goong 2, A White Snake’s Revenge, The Legend is Born – IP MAN, The Karate Kid, The Tuxedo, The King of the Streets, and Kung Fu Fighter every Friday at 8 PM in Hindi.
True to its promise ‘Bollywood se zyaada masala, Hollywood se zyaada action’, ‘Chiniwood’ will see some of Asia’s biggest superstars like Jackie Chan, Tony Jaa and Jet Li fighting it out on &pictures. The first in line is Jet Li’s The One on Friday, 12th February at 8 PM. The One is an sci-fi action-martial arts film, written and directed, by James Wong. The movie revolves around multiverse i.e. one person having many versions of himself in other universes. The protagonist of the film Gabriel Yulaw (Jet Li), a former agent killed one version of himself making the other versions of him stronger. Being power-hungry, when Yulaw found out about this fact, he killed more than a hundred versions of himself within two years. What happens next is an action-packed entertaining story.
Coming up next on Friday, 19th February is a blockbuster, ‘Robin-B-Hood’ starring the famous martial arts action hero – Jackie Chan. Another interesting flick of Jackie Chan, ‘Chinese Zodiac 12 (CZ 12) on Friday, 26th February will be a part of the fest. CZ 12 is about twelve ancient animal signs of the Chinese zodiac which have been stolen and the Asian Hawk is in search of these mystic artifacts.