Aparna Lal of Microsoft was adjudged the most Digital Savy IT Marketer of the Year while Naveen Kukreja of Policy Bazaar was announced as the most Digital Savy e-Commerce marketer of the year. The Most Digital Savy Hospitality Marketer of the year award went to Manmeet Vohra of Starbucks India, while Karan Sarin of One Plus was announced as the winner of the most Digital Savy Mobile Service or Hardware marketer of the year, because of the unique and innovative promotional and brand outreach campaign.
Other winners include: Virat Khullar of Renault Automobile in the automobile sector; Karthi Marshan of Kotak Bank in the Bank and Insurance sector; Bedraj Tripathy of Godrej Interio in the FMCG or Consumer Durable sector; Amit Tiwari of Philips India from the Healthcare sector; Gaurav Suri of UTI Mutual Fund in the Mutual Fund or Broking sector and Reema Kundnani of Oberoi Realty in the Real Estate sector.
The winners were selected by a stellar jury comprising of Ashish Bhasin – Aegis Media, who was the jury Chairman. Other members included: Tushar Vyas of GroupM; Amardeep Singh of Interactive Avenues; Hitesh Oberoi of InfoEdge; Deepali Naair, IAMAI Adviser; Aditya Rath, Partner, KPMG; Tarun Abhichandani from IMRB International and Samir Bangara from Qyuki Digital Media.
Commenting on the significance of the DMA Awards, Ashish Bhasin said: “Digital is becoming the most important part of the Marketing Communication mix,” and the DMA awards will go along way in recognizing the importance of digital communication by the CMOs.
Rohit Bansal of monycontrol.com spoke on the efficacy of digital and the key role CMOs need to play to leverage the medium.
The Digital Marketers’ Awards are designed to recognise exceptional work done by the Marketing fraternity to take their brands into the digital era.